Calculates average expression changes of all (or specified) nodes except trigger and finds the perturbed node count for all (or specified) nodes in system.

find_node_perturbation(input_graph, how = 2, cycle = 1, limit = 0, fast = 0)



The graph object that was processed with priming_graph function.


The change of count (expression) of the given node in terms of fold change.


The iteration of simulation.


The minimum fold change which can be taken into account for perturbation calculation on all nodes in terms of percentage.


specifies percentage of affected target in target expression. For example, if fast = 1, the nodes that are affected from miRNA repression activity more than one percent of their expression is determined as subgraph.


It gives a tibble form dataset that includes node names, perturbation efficiency and perturbed count of nodes.


find_node_perturbation calculates mean expression changes of elements after the change in the network in terms of percentage. It also calculates the number of nodes that have expression changes after the change occur in the network. The outputs of the function are the perturbation efficiency and perturbed count of nodes for each nodes.


data('minsamp') data('midsamp') minsamp%>% priming_graph(competing_count = Competing_expression, miRNA_count = miRNA_expression)%>% find_node_perturbation()%>% select(name, perturbation_efficiency, perturbed_count)
#> Warning: First column is processed as competing and the second as miRNA.
#> # A tibble: 8 x 3 #> name perturbation_efficiency perturbed_count #> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> #> 1 Gene1 0.272 3 #> 2 Gene2 0.272 3 #> 3 Gene3 0.153 3 #> 4 Gene4 0.925 5 #> 5 Gene5 0.381 2 #> 6 Gene6 0.653 2 #> 7 Mir1 1.63 4 #> 8 Mir2 3.43 3
minsamp%>% priming_graph(competing_count = Competing_expression, miRNA_count = miRNA_expression, aff_factor = c(energy,seed_type), deg_factor = region)%>% find_node_perturbation(how = 3, cycle = 4)%>% select(name, perturbation_efficiency, perturbed_count)
#> Warning: First column is processed as competing and the second as miRNA.
#> # A tibble: 8 x 3 #> name perturbation_efficiency perturbed_count #> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> #> 1 Gene1 0.203 5 #> 2 Gene2 0.317 5 #> 3 Gene3 0.101 5 #> 4 Gene4 0.299 5 #> 5 Gene5 0.269 5 #> 6 Gene6 0.249 5 #> 7 Mir1 1.60 6 #> 8 Mir2 5.58 6
midsamp%>% priming_graph(competing_count = Gene_expression, miRNA_count = miRNA_expression)%>% find_node_perturbation(how = 2, cycle= 3, limit=1, fast = 5)%>% select(name, perturbation_efficiency, perturbed_count)
#> Warning: First column is processed as competing and the second as miRNA.
#> Subsetting by edges
#> Warning: `cols` is now required when using unnest(). #> Please use `cols = c(eff_count)`
#> # A tibble: 24 x 3 #> name perturbation_efficiency perturbed_count #> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> #> 1 Gene1 NA NA #> 2 Gene2 NA NA #> 3 Gene3 NA NA #> 4 Gene4 0.525 5 #> 5 Gene5 NA NA #> 6 Gene6 1.67 6 #> 7 Gene7 0.386 0 #> 8 Gene8 0.178 0 #> 9 Gene9 0.806 6 #> 10 Gene10 0.294 0 #> # … with 14 more rows